Children's Activities
Children’s Christian education is an important ministry at St. John’s. Sunday School follows the Sunday service and generally runs until noon. A variety of creative resources, Bible lessons, crafts, and activities are used to share the good news of Christ with pre-school through high-school-aged children. Lessons generally are related to the Old or New Testament readings in the service. Children also participate in many fun and inter-generational activities throughout the year, including creating Advent wreathes, acting in an Epiphany pageant, helping at Parish Work Day, and hosting the pre-Lenten pancake supper. They have held bake sales and completed mission projects—both in the local community and outside of Virginia. |
Most recently, the children held a camp-out the night prior to our annual outdoor worship service where they created an altar cloth and wrote prayers for the following day’s service, while having fun and enjoying fellowship. Children who are old enough and ready to be confirmed, meet with the rector for a series of preparation classes to learn about the church and its worship, and to ensure they are prepared to make this commitment prior to being presented to the Bishop during his annual visit. |